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An energy field for
mind, body and soul.

in Lana

When the steam rises from the pool, when the porch provides shade, when the yoga session ends, when the air shimmers, when the music fades away, when the moonlight strokes design and art, when your gaze is lost in the evening glow, then you know it's not a dream. It‘s Schwarzschmied.

When the steam rises from the pool, when the porch provides shade, when the yoga session ends, when the air shimmers, when the music fades away, when the moonlight strokes design and art, when your gaze is lost in the evening glow, then you know it's not a dream. It‘s Schwarzschmied.

A Holiday Resort for Mind, Body and Soul

Alone, as a couple, as a trio... our bright rooms and suites offer enough space. We believe in the positive effect of good vibes: relax and switch off, move and rest. Pleasure and nature fuse indoors and outdoors.

Alone, as a couple, as a trio... our bright rooms and suites offer enough space. We believe in the positive effect of good vibes: relax and switch off, move and rest. Pleasure and nature fuse indoors and outdoors.

Vines, centre towns, meadows, valleys, hills and mountains, greens and Schwarzschmied.

Offers & Retreats

Time out. Treat yourself to three days to settle in, breathe deeply, and slow down. Give yourself time to savor each moment. Can you hear the babbling brook, feel the sun on your face? At Schwarzschmied, you can unwind—whether it’s through dreamy moments by the pool, grounding yoga sessions, or soothing massages. The culinary delights of our slow food kitchen, featuring fresh seasonal produce from our Arnica Acker, do their part to transport you away from everyday stress.

This offer includes three nights with breakfast and dinner at our Slow Food restaurant, featuring high-quality local products. The package also includes the Schwarzschmied Activity Program with daily yoga sessions, guided hikes, and much more for body and mind. A wellness voucher invites you to relax, and the mobility card for public transport makes it easy to explore the beautiful surroundings. Here, the aroma of coffee wafts over the breakfast buffet, the loungers by the pool await you, and the sauna is preheated.

Let yourself be whisked away for three days filled with peace and time just for you.

Services included
  • 3 nights at Hotel Schwarzschmied 
  • Breakfast at "La Fucina" restaurant 
  • Lunch or dinner in our slow food restaurants "La Fucina" or Bistro "Luce" (for a surcharge)
  • Schwarzschmied Activity Program 
  • 1 Spa voucher for €30,- per person
  • Grander water in the entire house
  • Connection with wellness experts and opportunity for private sessions
  • Mobilcard for usage of public transport

Valid until 11. January 2026

3 Nights
Per Person from

Ob wir Hatha Yoga oder Yin Yoga üben: es geht stets darum, mit Achtsamkeit, Behutsamkeit und Liebe unsere Grenzen auszuloten, uns selbst kennenzulernen und letztlich so anzunehmen, wie wir sind. Yoga soll vor allem dabei helfen, mit Freude in unserem Alltag präsent zu sein.
Dafür werden wir uns in diesem Retreat morgens mit Pranayama- und Kriya-Übungen reinigen, und Prana, die Lebensenergie, in Fluss bringen. Danach werden wir den Körper in einer Hatha Vinyasa Praxis kräftigen und dehnen, sowie die Chakren durch verschiedene Methoden des Tönens und Visualisierens öffnen. Am Nachmittag schließt sich eine Yin Yoga Stunde thematisch und physisch an die Morgenklasse an.

Yin Yoga wirkt vor allem auf das Bindegewebe des Körpers und sorgt für Gesundheit auf der Ebene der Organe. Gleichzeitig bietet sich in dieser ruhigen Praxis die Möglichkeit, belastende Lebensthemen aufzuarbeiten und loszulassen. Gerade in der heutigen Zeit hat dieser Yogaweg enorm an Wichtigkeit gewonnen, weil er so effektiv das Nervensystem beruhigt. Erst wenn unser Nervensystem umschaltet auf den Parasympathikus, kann der Körper regenerieren und heilen. Und wir können tief bei uns ankommen und wieder fühlen, was uns wirklich wichtig ist. 

Opening Circle
17:00 Uhr Yin Yoga 
08:00 Uhr Yin & Yang Flow
17:00 Uhr Yin Yoga abends 
08:00 Uhr Yin & Yang Flow
17:00 Uhr Yin Yoga 
08:00 Uhr Yin & Yang Flow
Closing Circle inkl. persönlichem Austausch

außerdem Meditationen & Yoga Nidra
*evtl. Änderungen am Programm sind vorbehalten

- für alle Level -
- Pranayama, Kriya, Hatha Vinyasa Yoga, Meditation, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra -

  • 3 Übernachtungen im Hotel Schwarzschmied
  • Frühstück im "La Fucina"
  • Mittag- oder Abendessen in unseren Slow Food Restaurants „La Fucina“ oder Bistro „Luce“ (gegen Aufpreis)
  • Yoga-Ausrüstung (Matte, Meditationskissen, Yoga-Blöcke) wird kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt
  • Grander Wasser im gesamten Haus
  • Mobilitätskarte zur Nutzung aller öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel
Über Ranja Weis

Ranja unterrichtet seit 15 Jahren Yoga, seit einigen Jahren mit dem Schwerpunkt Yin Yoga und Yoga Nidra. Sie gründete zusammen mit Dr. Patrick Broome, dem Yogalehrer der Fußballnationalmannschaft, das Yogastudio City in München, und sowohl dort als auch auf Konferenzen, Retreats und Festivals im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum.
Sie lehrt mit viel Wärme, Empathie, Humor und ruhiger Stimme. Yoga ist für sie vor allem ein Weg zu mehr Bewusstsein, zur Fähigkeit, sich selbst und andere jenseits von Konzepten und Bewertungen wahrzunehmen und zu spüren, dass alles miteinander in Verbindung steht. So kultiviert sie Toleranz, Mitgefühl und Liebe in ihren Schüler:innen.

6. - 9. March 2025

3 Nights
Per Person from

Road cycling is feeling the wind in your face, the sun on your skin, taking on curves and sprinting down straightaways. Road cycling is more than just training. It’s about seeing landscapes, experiencing community, and pushing past limits. This package is for all those who long for movement, for expansiveness, for tingling joie de vivre and flowing energy. Discover what South Tyrol has to offer for cyclists—with four tours in five days, culinary delights, and spa and wellness options for your recovery.

No bike of your own with you? We are happy to organise a rental bike.

The tours for 2025 are yet to be announced, here you can find last year's tours.

Four tours in five days
Monday: Lake Kaltern - Link to the tour
80.2 km | 590 metres altitude difference | approx. 4 hours

Tuesday: Mölten, Hafling - Link to the tour
58 km | 1,500 metres in altitude | approx. 4 hours

Wednesday: Wine route to Trento - Link to the tour
156 km | 570 metres of altitude | approx. 6 hours

Thursday: Martell Valley - Link to the tour
120 km | 2,030 metres altitude | approx. 6 hours

Services included
  • 5 nights (Sunday - Friday)
  • Breakfast at "La Fucina"
  • Home-made organic snacks and fruit for the road
  • Lunch at "Bistro Luce" after every tour
  • Arise light menu for dinner at "La Fucina"
  • Four guided cycling tours with our guide Fabian
  • Daily offered yoga class
  • Schwarzschmied Body & Mind Programme
  • Mobilcard for usage of public transport
  • Safe bike room to store your bike
  • *Additional guest in room also bookable without package (from €870)
Guide & Nutrition

Guide Fabian
Fabian is a passionate cyclist and connoisseur of life. For him, cycling is not just a hobby, but a passion and a way to bring more balance into his daily life. His road bike tours offer challenging climbs that will make you break a sweat, while also leaving plenty of time to enjoy nature, breathtaking landscapes, and of course, have some fun.

Arise Light Menu
A healthy, balanced diet that contains all vitamins and micronutrients. The ingredients in our dishes come mainly from our own Arnica Acker, as well as from selected suppliers in the immediate surroundings.

18. - 23. May 2025

5 Nights
Per Person from

Our stories

From art and culture to our favorite recipes and the way we see the world – here, you read about everything we care about.

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From art and culture to our favorite recipes and the way we see the world – here, you read about everything we care about.

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