An energy field for
mind, body and soul.
in Lana
When the steam rises from the pool, when the porch provides shade, when the yoga session ends, when the air shimmers, when the music fades away, when the moonlight strokes design and art, when your gaze is lost in the evening glow, then you know it's not a dream. It‘s Schwarzschmied.
When the steam rises from the pool, when the porch provides shade, when the yoga session ends, when the air shimmers, when the music fades away, when the moonlight strokes design and art, when your gaze is lost in the evening glow, then you know it's not a dream. It‘s Schwarzschmied.
A Holiday Resort for Mind, Body and Soul
Alone, as a couple, as a trio... our bright rooms and suites offer enough space. We believe in the positive effect of good vibes: relax and switch off, move and rest. Pleasure and nature fuse indoors and outdoors.
Alone, as a couple, as a trio... our bright rooms and suites offer enough space. We believe in the positive effect of good vibes: relax and switch off, move and rest. Pleasure and nature fuse indoors and outdoors.
Vines, centre towns, meadows, valleys, hills and mountains, greens and Schwarzschmied.
Offers & Retreats
Our gut plays a fundamental role in our well-being. Everything is interconnected with it, and it acts as the control center for our body. In daily life, we often neglect to care for it properly. This package gives you time to support and heal your gut: it loves light, gentle thoughts and mindful attention, as much as it appreciates warm, nourishing foods and targeted movement. With Detox Yoga, a ginger oil abdominal massage with a liver compress, and a reflexology foot massage with an alkaline foot bath focused on the detoxification organs, your body will be holistically stimulated to detox. Our Slow Food kitchen supports your gut’s regeneration by carefully preparing your favorite dishes made from fresh, local, and seasonal ingredients from our own Arnica Acker and nearby organic farms.
Our thoughts and lifestyle are demonstrably linked to the health of our gut. Natural life rhythms with rest and periods of regeneration, along with healthy food and regular exercise, are the best foundations for a well-functioning digestive system. When we also give it some targeted care from time to time, it rewards us by helping us feel lighter and more at ease overall. So take this retreat to indulge yourself.
Detox Yoga with Steffi
Gentle yoga exercises to activate your inner fire, helping you to digest and transform what life brings you, absorb what you need, and let go of what no longer serves you.
Soothing massage with a liver compress and foot reflexology
Enjoy peace, detox, and feel a new sense of balance, both inside and out.
Arise light menu
A healthy, balanced diet that provides all essential vitamins and micronutrients. The ingredients in our menus are sourced from our Arnica Acker as well as from selected suppliers in the immediate surroundings.
In a world that rushes by, taking time to reconnect with what truly matters has become essential. To sustain peak performance, we need moments of genuine relaxation. With this package, we invite you to consciously embrace slowness, unwind, and recharge.
Spend four days surrounded by serene vineyards, where time stretches luxuriously, letting you tune into your own rhythm. Laze by the pool, bask in the sun, and let your thoughts wander freely. Embrace the art of doing nothing, linger without haste, and allow your spirit to rest in our oasis of tranquility.
Indulge in soothing massages, find inspiration in yoga, and let your taste buds dance with delightful creations from our Slow Food kitchen. Savor dishes made with seasonal, fresh ingredients from our Arnica Acker and quality products from local organic farms. The included wellness voucher invites you to enjoy personalized treatments at our spa. Explore our daily yoga offerings, guiding you through grounding, centering, or challenging practices to help you find your inner balance.
Relish four days on an island of calm and serenity, a perfect retreat amidst the waves of a fast-paced world. This is your invitation to slow down and reconnect.
Das (P)REHAB Retreat begleitet dich auf der Reise, deine Verbundenheit mit dir selbst zu stärken und deine körpereigene Intuition neu zu entdecken. Dies geschieht durch die Kombination von Wissenschaft & Spiritualität in den Bereichen Breathwork, Meditation und Bewegung. Es ist also kein „klassisch-tradioneller“ Ansatz eines Yoga Retreats, sondern bietet dir die Möglichkeit, individuell therapeutisch und ganzheitlich mit dir in Verbindung zu kommen. Es geht nicht nur darum, dich durch Yoga besser zu fühlen, sondern auch besser im Fühlen zu werden.
Die Stunden umfassen therapeutische Yoga-Übungen, die die körperliche und geistige Wahrnehmung schärfen und individuelle Bedürfnisse berücksichtigen. Die Intensität wird dem Tagesrhythmus angepasst: Morgens ist die Praxis stärkend, abends führt sie zur Ruhe. Der Embodiment-Ansatz ermöglicht es, sich selbst besser zu spüren und das System durch sanft therapeutisches Yoga ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen.
4 therapeutische Yogastunden am Abend (erste am Anreisetag)
4 therapeutische Yogastunden am Morgen (zu je 90 Minuten)
Welcome & Closing Circle
- für alle Level -
- Meditation, Pranayama, dynamisch aktiver Yoga-Flow, therapeutisches Yoga, Embodiment -
Als Yoga & Meditationslehrerin mit therapeutischem und trauma-sensiblem Fokus, liegt es Anja sehr am Herzen, Menschen ganzheitlich zu unterstützen. Dafür verbindet sie ihre Expertise aus den Bereichen Yoga & Achtsamkeitscoaching, sowie der Sportwissenschaft & Naturheilkunde miteinander. Seit über 10 Jahren leitet sie Individuen und Gruppen in Bewegung an. Diese umfassende Erfahrung integriert sie seit 2015 in Yoga Stunden und bildet seit 2018 auch Schüler:innen in Yoga Ausbildungen aus, insbesondere in Anatomie und Embodiment.