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Mediterranean, yet Alpine.

Let us inspire you and be surprised.

Amidst green slopes, apple orchards and vine leaves, the Schwarzschmied looks almost like a mirage, half way between an amphitheatre and a concert hall. Did someone say ‘reservation’?

Amidst green slopes, apple orchards and vine leaves, the Schwarzschmied looks almost like a mirage, half way between an amphitheatre and a concert hall. Did someone say ‘reservation’?

The elegant, comfortable and 48m² Junior Suites are mainly furnished with natural materials and have a beautiful terrace directions. The wooden floors are made of oak. The rooms are furnished with artwork by the artist Hannes Egger.

  • 48m² (first or second floor)
  • Picture Library by Hannes Egger
  • Terrace
  • Bathroom with bathtub and shower
  • Marshall Music Box
  • Air conditioner
  • Mini-bar
  • Flat screen TV
  • Wifi
  • Room safe
  • Bathrobes
  • Susanne Kaufmann ™ organic treats
  • Yoga mat
  • Arise Teabar

Junior Suite for 2 - 3 People

New: Junior Suite 48m²


The elegant, comfortable 55m² suite is mainly furnished with natural materials and has a beautiful east-facing terrace. The wooden floors are made of oak. The rooms are decorated with artwork by the artist Hannes Egger.

  • 55m² (first or second floor)
  • Picture Library by Hannes Egger
  • Terrace
  • Separate living and sleeping area
  • Marshall Music Box
  • Air conditioner
  • Mini-bar
  • Flat screen TV
  • Wifi
  • Room safe
  • Bathrobes
  • Susanne Kaufmann ™ organic treats
  • Yoga mat
  • Arise Teabar

Suite for 2 - 4 People

New: Suite 55m²


The elegant and comfortable 36m² double rooms in the garden wing are mainly furnished with natural materials. They have a balcony or terrace (south). The wooden floors are made of oak, the bathrooms are partly open. The rooms were furnished by artist Hannes Egger with a small library as a work of art.

  • 36m² (ground, first or second floor)
  • Picture Library by Hannes Egger
  • Terrace
  • Open or closed bathroom
  • Down duvets
  • Marshall Music Box
  • Air conditioner
  • Mini-bar
  • Flat screen TV
  • Wifi
  • Room safe
  • Bathrobes
  • Susanne Kaufmann ™ organic treats
  • Yoga mat
  • Arise Teabar

Double Room for 2 - 4 People

Garden Room 36m²


The elegant suite in the main bulding with a three-sided glass front has comfortable spatial seperations and a large south-facing terrace. Our wonderful wooden floors are made of oak and the bathrooms are partly open. Kids have the opportunity to sleep separately in their own room. All of the rooms were furnished with a performative work of art by artist Hannes Egger. Our rooftop suites were awarded with the German Design Award 2019.

  • German Design Award 2019
  • 75m² of living space
  • Large terrace (60m²) with outside shower
  • Performative work of art by Hannes Egger
  • Open bathroom with shower and bathtub
  • Down duvets
  • Air conditioner
  • Flat screen TV Revosound system
  • Wireless lan
  • Room safe
  • Bathrobes
  • Susanne Kaufmann ™ organic treats
  • Hand-woven carpet made from South Tyrolean sheep's wool
  • Yoga mat
  • Arise Teabar

Suites for 2 - 6 People

Rooftop Suite 75m²


The elegant suite in the garden wing with a three-sided glass front has comfortable spatial separations and a south-facing balcony. The children have the opportunity to sleep separately in their own room. The wooden floors are made of oak, the bathrooms are partly open. The rooms were furnished by artist Hannes Egger with a small library as a work of art.

  • 50m² (first or second floor)
  • Artwork by Hannes Egger "104 books"
  • Balcony
  • Open bathroom with freestanding bathtub
  • Down duvets
  • Air conditioner
  • Mini-bar
  • Flat screen TV
  • Wifi
  • Room safe
  • Bathrobes
  • Hand-woven carpet made from South Tyrolean sheep wool
  • Susanne Kaufmann ™ organic treats
  • Yoga mat
  • Arise Teabar

Suite for 2 - 4 People

Garden Suite 50m²


The elegant, comfortable and 36m² double rooms are mainly furnished with natural materials and have a beautiful terrace directions. The wooden floors are made of oak and the bathrooms are open. The rooms are furnished with artwork by the artist Hannes Egger.

  • 36m² (third floor)
  • Picture Library by Hannes Egger
  • Terrace
  • Open bathroom
  • Down duvets
  • Marshall Music Box
  • Air conditioner
  • Mini-bar
  • Flat screen TV
  • Wifi
  • Room safe
  • Bathrobes
  • Susanne Kaufmann ™ organic treats
  • Yoga mat
  • Arise Teabar

Double Room for 2 - 4 People

Rooftop Room 36m²


The elegant suite in the garden wing with a three-sided glass front has comfortable spatial separations and has a private pergola. The children have the opportunity to sleep separately in their own room. The wooden floors are made of oak, the bathrooms are partly open. The rooms were furnished by artist Hannes Egger with a small library as a work of art.

  • 50m² (on the ground floor)
  • Artwork by Hannes Egger "104 books"
  • Terrace open bathroom with freestanding bathtub
  • Down duvets
  • Air conditioner
  • Mini-bar
  • Flat screen TV
  • Wifi
  • Room safe
  • Bathrobes
  • Hand-woven carpet made from South Tyrolean sheep wool
  • Susanne Kaufmann ™ organic treats
  • Yoga mat
  • Arise Teabar

Suite for 2-4 People

Garden Suite Deluxe 50m²


The elegant, comfortable and 36m² double rooms are mainly furnished with natural materials and have east/west balconies depending on the orientation. The wooden floors are made of oak, the bathrooms are open. The rooms are furnished with a performative artwork by the artist Hannes Egger.

  • 36m² (first or second floor) 
  • Balcony
  • Artwork performance art by Hannes Egger
  • Open bathroom
  • Down duvets
  • Air conditioning 
  • Minibar 
  • Flat screen TV 
  • Wifi
  • Room safe 
  • Bathrobes
  • Hand-woven carpet made from South Tyrolean sheep's wool
  • Susanne Kaufmann™ organic treats 
  • Yoga mat
  • Arise Teabar

Double Room for 2 persons

Double Room 36m²


The double rooms in our Schwarzschmied Residence (not directly connected to the main house), small and fine.

  • 21m² (first floor)
  • Bathroom with a shower
  • Balcony
  • Flat screen TV
  • Air conditioning
  • Wifi
  • Room safe
  • Marshall music box
  • Bathrobes
  • Susanne Kaufmann ™ organic treats
  • Yoga mat

Double room for 2 persons

Residence Small 21m²


The double rooms in our Schwarzschmied Residence (not directly connected to the main house), small and fine.

  • 30m² (mezzanine or second floor)
  • Bathroom with a shower
  • With or without a balcony
  • Flat screen TV
  • Air conditioning
  • Marshall Music Box
  • Wireless lan
  • Room safe
  • Bathrobes
  • Susanne Kaufmann ™ organic treats
  • Yoga mat

Double room for 2 persons

Residence Medium 30m²


In the family rooms in our Schwarzschmied Residence (not directly connected to the main house) there is room for the whole family. Here, the children have the option of sleeping separately in their own room.

  • 40m² (first or second floor)
  • Balcony
  • Open bathroom
  • Down duvets
  • Flat screen TV
  • Air conditioning
  • Marshall Music Box
  • Mini-bar
  • Room safe
  • Bathrobes
  • Susanne Kaufmann ™ organic treats
  • Yoga mat

Family room for 2 to 4 persons

Family Room 40m²


The elegant, comfortable 50m² suite is mainly furnished with natural materials and has a beautiful terrace facing east. The wooden floors are made of oak, the bathroom is open. The rooms are furnished with artwork by the artist Hannes Egger.

  • 50m² (third floor)
  • Picture Library by Hannes Egger
  • Terrace
  • Down duvets
  • Marshall Music Box
  • Air conditioner
  • Mini-bar
  • Flat screen TV
  • Wireless lan
  • Room safe
  • Bathrobes
  • Susanne Kaufmann ™ organic treats
  • Yoga mat
  • Arise Teabar

Suite for 2 - 3 People

Rooftop Suite small 50m²


The new double room in the main house is mainly furnished with natural materials and has a west-facing balcony. The wooden floors are made of oak, the bathroom is open. The room has been furnished with work of art by Hannes Egger.

  • 22m² (second or third floor)
  • Picture Library by Hannes Egger
  • Balcony
  • Open bathroom
  • Down duvets
  • Marshall Music Box
  • Air conditioner
  • Mini-bar
  • Flat screen TV
  • Wireless lan
  • Room safe
  • Bathrobes
  • Susanne Kaufmann ™ organic treats
  • Yogamat
  • Arise Teabar

Double room for 1 to 2 persons

Small Double Room 22m²


Das Jahr hat erst begonnen und schon findet man sich wieder im Strudel der Pflichten und To Dos. Vielleicht ist noch ein Hauch der Energie des neuen Jahres vorhanden, die Motivation und Kraft des Neuanfangs. Lass uns diesen Moment nutzen, wenn das Jahr schon volle Fahrt hat, aber noch so viel vor uns liegt. In diesem Retreat wirst du dich erden, heilen und annehmen, um zu wachsen.
Mit den Werkzeugen des Yoga aus Meditation, Atem und Bewegung tauchen wir nach innen und laden die Speicher langsam auf. Richten uns aus, auf das, wohin wir wollen. Finde durch BodyMindTherapy zurück zu dir selbst, den anderen und unserem Planeten. Das Leben in seiner ganzen Fülle erleben, mit allem was da ist: lebendig, echt und voller Liebe.
Sinahs Yoga ist kraftvoll, dynamisch und intelligent für Körper und Geist. Abends sind die Stunden ruhiger, stabilisierend und beruhigend für das Nervensystem und die Gedanken. Durchwoben mit Meditation, Atemübungen, Übungen für Lymphe und die eine oder andere spontane Dance Party.

17:00 - 18:30 Uhr Welcome Ceremony
Freitag & Samstag
08:15 - 09:45 Uhr Morning Yoga
17:00 - 18:30 Uhr Evening Yoga
08:15 - 09:45 Uhr Wrap Up

- für alle Level -
- Meditation, Atemübungen, BodyMindTherapy -

  • 3 Übernachtungen im Hotel Schwarzschmied
  • Frühstück im „La Fucina“
  • Mittag- oder Abendessen in unseren Slow Food Restaurants „La Fucina“ oder Bistro „Luce“ (gegen Aufpreis)
  • Yoga-Ausrüstung (Matte, Meditationskissen, Yoga-Blöcke) wird kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt
  • Grander Wasser im gesamten Haus
  • Mobilitätskarte zur Nutzung aller öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel
Über Sinah Diepold

Sinah Diepold ist Unternehmerin und Yogalehrerin mit ihrem BodyMindTherapy Studio Kale&Cake. Sie gibt Ausbildungen für Yogalehrer*innen mit Simon Park und Sophia Thora und teilt in ihrem Podcast alles rund um Yoga, Nachhaltigkeit, persönliche Weiterentwicklung und Gesundheit. Sie unterstützt Menschen dabei, ein ausgeglichenes und selbstbestimmtes Leben zu führen. Mit ihrer offenen und authentischen Art teilt sie alles, was sie bewegt, rund um Yoga, Nachhaltigkeit, persönliche Weiterentwicklung und Gesundheit. Ihr liegt es besonders am Herzen, Wissen weiterzugeben, ein Gefühl von Zugehörigkeit und Ermächtigung zu geben und Menschen zu befähigen, ein Leben in Fülle zu leben.

27. February - 2. March 2025

3 Nights
Per Person from

Begib dich zwischen Apfelplantagen, Weinreben und Bergen auf eine spannende und heilsame Entdeckungsreise durch deinen Körper, Geist und Seele. Nach jeder Yoga-Einheit fühlst du dich ein Stück mehr bei dir angekommen – in deiner Freude, Leichtigkeit und Vitalität.

In den Morgenstunden beginnen wir in Stille mit Meditation, gefolgt von energiespendenden Pranayama (Atemtechniken). Wir wärmen uns mit den fließenden Sonnengebet-Sequenzen auf und lassen die Stunden mit wunderschön kräftigenden, aber auch entspannenden Asanas ausklingen. Jede Yoga-Einheit erhält ein eigenes Thema und ist individuell auf die Stimmung und das jeweilige Leistungsniveau der Gruppe abgestimmt. So können alle von den herausfordernden und entspannenden Yoga Stunden profitieren und viel Kraft, Freude und Leichtigkeit auftanken. Achtsam und herzlich begleitet dich Veronika durch die Yoga-Stunden, damit du wieder ganz in deiner Kraft und inneren Balance ankommst.

17:00 - 18:30 Uhr Komme an und erde dich
08:00 - 09:30 Uhr Let it Flow & Glow
17:00 - 18:30 Uhr Im Fluss des Lebens sein
08:00 - 09:30 Uhr Komme in deine Kraft
17:00 - 18:30 Uhr Yin Yoga - Sanftes Ausklingen des Tages Sonntag
08:00 - 09:30 Uhr Gewinne Vertrauen, Farewell

- für alle Level -
- Pranayama, Vinyasa Yoga, Meditation -

  • 3 Übernachtungen im Hotel Schwarzschmied
  • Frühstück im „La Fucina“
  • Mittag- oder Abendessen in unseren Slow Food Restaurants „La Fucina“ oder Bistro „Luce“ (gegen Aufpreis)
  • Yoga-Ausrüstung (Matte, Meditationskissen, Yoga-Blöcke) wird kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt
  • Grander Wasser im gesamten Haus
  • Mobilitätskarte zur Nutzung aller öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel
Über Veronika Rössl

Yoga begleitete Veronika schon ihr Leben lang. 2002 gründete sie das MahaShakti Yoga Center in München und begann, hauptberuflich Yoga zu unterrichten. Sie unterrichtet einen Mix aus klassischen Hatha-Yoga und Vinyasa Yoga (Ashtanga, Sivananda, Power Yoga und Anusara Yoga) und gestaltet die Asanas fließend, mit Fokus auf der Atmung. Ihr Unterricht ist im Sinne der 'Advaita Vedanta' Philosophie gestaltet. Sie vermittelt Yoga als Lebenselixier - für Körper, Geist und Seele. Veronika bietet weltweit Yoga-Retreats an, ebenso wie Yoga Teachertrainings und Fortbildungen zum Thema Adjustments & Alignments. Sie ist für den BDYoga (Bund der Yoga-LeherInnen in Deutschland) tätig und wird seit vielen Jahren auf internationalen und nationalen Festivals, Kongressen und Events gebucht. Veronikas MahaShakti Yoga Studio wird jedes Jahr zu einem der zehn besten Online und Live Yoga-Studios in München gewählt.

20. - 23. March 2025

3 Nights
Per Person from

A Journey of Fluidity and Renewal - Step into a sanctuary where movement meets mindfulness, and flow becomes freedom. The Liquid Flow Yoga Retreat is a transformative experience designed to help you rediscover the harmony between body, mind, and soul. Guided by Simon Park, this retreat weaves together the art of Vinyasa yoga, breathwork, and mindfulness meditation. Inspired by the balance of elements, the practice invites you to explore graceful, uninterrupted movement, cultivating a deep sense of ease and presence. Set amidst the serene beauty of South Tyrol, each session is an opportunity to connect with your inner rhythm, release tension, and awaken your vitality. Whether practicing under the open sky or in a tranquil studio space, the Liquid Flow Yoga Retreat offers a nurturing environment for growth and self-discovery. Whether you’re seeking rejuvenation, clarity, or simply a pause from the hustle of life, the Liquid Flow Yoga Retreat promises a journey of fluid transformation. Come as you are, and leave feeling lighter, freer, and profoundly aligned.

2 x Daily Yoga Classes: Dynamic flow practices and restorative sessions tailored to all levels.
Mindful Movement and Meditation: Tools to foster calm and balance in everyday life.
Connection with Nature: Guided meditations and mindful walks in breathtaking landscapes.
Healthy Nourishment: Wholesome, locally-sourced meals to fuel your body and spirit.
Community & Solitude: Opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals or retreat inward for reflection.

Inclusive services
  • 4 nights at Hotel Schwarzschmied
  • Breakfast at "la Fucina" restaurant
  • Lunch or Dinner at "la Fucina" restaurant (for an extra charge)
  • 08:00 - 09:30 AM Vinyasa Flow + Align, Pranayama, Meditation  in the morning
  • 17:00 - 18:30 PM Gentle Flow, Yin, Partner Yoga, Bodywork 
  • Grander water in the entire house
  • Personal guidance and expertise of Simon Park in each session
  • Mobilcard for usage of public transport
About Simon Park

Simon brings 25 years of study, practice, and assisting with world renowned master teachers Maty Ezraty, Shiva Rea, Richard Freeman, and Dharma Mittra. Simon Park began his Yoga journey in 1995 with Shiva Rea in the World Arts and Cultures Department at UCLA. Later acclaimed by Yoga Journal as "one of the most influential and gifted Yoga teachers of the next generation”, he has been leading workshops, teacher trainings, and retreats around the world since 2002. His free-style Vinyasa is fluid, intuitive, and encourages freedom through self-expression. Profoundly influenced by the teachings of Shiva Rea, Richard Freeman, Maty Ezraty, Joan White, and Dharma Mitra, 'Liquid Flow Yoga' feels like a beautiful dance between classical and modern Yoga. Dubbed the "Flying Nomad", he draws inspiration from road legends such as Jimi Hendrix, who said, "the Earth is my home”.

8. - 12. October 2025

4 Nights
Per Person from