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Slow-down for your skin’s sake

At Schwarzschmied, we truly believe in the intensive effect of Susanne Kaufmann's natural cosmetics for they maintain your skin healthy by increasing its protective functions and providing lasting care.

Discover the Spa Menue

At Schwarzschmied, we truly believe in the intensive effect of Susanne Kaufmann's natural cosmetics for they maintain your skin healthy by increasing its protective functions and providing lasting care.

Discover the Spa Menue

"A healthy lifestyle cannot do without a good skin care. The body needs the right nutrients to stay healthy. And it's the same with the skin: natural, plant-based active ingredients, minerals and vitamins that foster cell renewal and have a great bioavailability. Susanne Kaufmann products maintain the skin healthy and protected, and provide lasting care."

Susanne Kaufmann

Our Offers

Tension and relaxation. This duality is central to yoga and should also have its place in everyday life. Guided by this principle, this package offers both challenging activities that allow you to feel your body - whether through an extended hike or a demanding yoga session - and moments of pure relaxation - with a massage, by the pool, or in one of our relaxation rooms.

Let our mountain guide take you on a journey through green valleys, rugged peaks, and crystal-clear alpine lakes. In the fresh mountain air you can breathe deeply, finding peace with each step. Your gaze wanders over the peaks and across the valleys.

At the same time our yoga offerings with sessions across all yoga styles bring you closer to yourself. Focus on your breath and let our yoga instructors challenge, ground, and center you. Your stay is accompanied by culinary delights from our Slow Food restaurant, where fresh, regional ingredients are used daily to delight your palate.

Embark on a journey to yourself and find your center through South Tyrol’s beautiful nature. Create space for your inner balance.

Services included
  • 4 nights at Hotel Schwarzschmied (Sunday to Thursday)
  • Breakfast at "La Fucina" restaurant 
  • Lunch or dinner in our slow food restaurants "La Fucina" or Bistro "Luce" (for a surcharge)
  • 3 Yoga lessons (two sessions in the morning and one in the evening)
  • 1 hiking tour with our guide
  • Schwarzschmied Activity Program 
  • 1 Spa voucher for €60 per person
  • Grander water in the entire house
  • Connection with wellness experts and opportunity for private sessions
  • Mobilcard for usage of public transport

Valid until 11. January 2026

4 Nights
Per Person from

Road cycling is feeling the wind in your face, the sun on your skin, taking on curves and sprinting down straightaways. Road cycling is more than just training. It’s about seeing landscapes, experiencing community, and pushing past limits. This package is for all those who long for movement, for expansiveness, for tingling joie de vivre and flowing energy. Discover what South Tyrol has to offer for cyclists—with four tours in five days, culinary delights, and spa and wellness options for your recovery.

No bike of your own with you? We are happy to organise a rental bike.

Four tours in five days
Monday: Hill Circuit - Link to Tour
85.8 km | 1,070 meters elevation gain | approx. 5 hours

Tuesday: Lake Caldaro - Link to Tour
80.2 km | 590 meters elevation gain | approx. 4 hours

Wednesday: Mendola Pass to Gampen Pass - Link to Tour
79.5 km | 1,820 meters elevation gain | approx. 5 hours

Thursday: Mondschein Bolzano - Link to Tour
54.9 km | 120 meters elevation gain | approx. 3 hours

Services included
  • 5 nights (Sunday - Friday)
  • Breakfast at "La Fucina"
  • Home-made organic snacks and fruit for the road
  • Lunch at "Bistro Luce" after every tour
  • Arise light menu for dinner at "La Fucina"
  • Four guided cycling tours with our guide Fabian
  • Daily offered yoga class
  • Schwarzschmied Body & Mind Programme
  • Mobilcard for usage of public transport
  • Safe bike room to store your bike
  • Additional guest in room also bookable without package (from €870)
Guide & Nutrition

Guide Fabian
Fabian is a passionate cyclist and connoisseur of life. For him, cycling is not just a hobby, but a passion and a way to bring more balance into his daily life. His road bike tours offer challenging climbs that will make you break a sweat, while also leaving plenty of time to enjoy nature, breathtaking landscapes, and of course, have some fun.

Arise Light Menu
A healthy, balanced diet that contains all vitamins and micronutrients. The ingredients in our dishes come mainly from our own Arnica Acker, as well as from selected suppliers in the immediate surroundings.

18. - 23. May 2025

5 Nights
Per Person from

Schenke dir selbst ein paar Tage den Raum, genau so zu sein, wie du bist. Selbstannahme als wundervolles Werkzeug für inneren und äußeren Frieden. Erlaube dir aufzutanken, in einer nährenden und schönen Umgebung, um wieder in die Welt zurück zu gehen und dazu beizutragen, dass auch diese nährender und schöner wird.
Yoga ist eine ganzheitliche Wissenschaft und Philosophie, welche dir durch Bewegung, Atem, Reflexion und Meditation dabei hilft, selbstbestimmt und ausgeglichen zu werden, um in jedem Moment präsent zu sein. Sinahs Yoga ist kraftvoll, dynamisch und intelligent für Körper und Geist. Abends sind die Stunden ruhiger, stabilisierend und beruhigend für das Nervensystem und die Gedanken. Durchwoben mit Meditation, Atemübungen, Übungen für Lymphe und die eine oder andere spontane Dance Party.

Finde durch BodyMindTherapy zurück zu Verbindung mit dir selbst, den anderen und unserem Planeten. Das Leben in seiner ganzen Fülle erleben, mit allem was da ist: lebendig, echt und voller Liebe.

17:00 - 18:30 Uhr Welcome Ceremony
Freitag & Samstag
08:15 - 09:45 Uhr Morning Yoga
17:00 - 18:30 Uhr Evening Yoga
08:15 - 09:45 Uhr Wrap Up

- für alle Level -
- Yoga, Atem, Meditation, BodyMindTherapy -

  • 3 Übernachtungen im Hotel Schwarzschmied
  • Frühstück im „La Fucina“
  • Mittag- oder Abendessen in unseren Slow Food Restaurants „La Fucina“ oder Bistro „Luce“ (gegen Aufpreis)
  • Yoga-Ausrüstung (Matte, Meditationskissen, Yoga-Blöcke) wird kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt
  • Grander Wasser im gesamten Haus
  • Mobilitätskarte zur Nutzung aller öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel
Über Sinah Diepold

Sinah Diepold ist Unternehmerin und Yogalehrerin mit ihrem BodyMindTherapy Studio Kale&Cake. Sie gibt Ausbildungen für Yogalehrer*innen mit Simon Park und Sophia Thora und teilt in ihrem Podcast alles rund um Yoga, Nachhaltigkeit, persönliche Weiterentwicklung und Gesundheit. Sie unterstützt Menschen dabei, ein ausgeglichenes und selbstbestimmtes Leben zu führen. Mit ihrer offenen und authentischen Art teilt sie alles, was sie bewegt, rund um Yoga, Nachhaltigkeit, persönliche Weiterentwicklung und Gesundheit. Ihr liegt es besonders am Herzen, Wissen weiterzugeben, ein Gefühl von Zugehörigkeit und Ermächtigung zu schenken und Menschen dazu zu befähigen, ein Leben in Fülle zu leben.

16. - 19. October 2025

3 Nights
Per Person from